Publisher of New York Times and International Bestselling Author L. Ron Hubbard

Definition of Organization

Definition of Organization

Definition of Organization

What stands as the very foundation of L. Ron Hubbard organizational technology is also the first actual technology of organization. Mr. Hubbard details the fundamental laws and stable data that govern the subject and shows how to apply them. Whereas these laws form part of the woof and warp of this universe, they remained unknown until the basic discoveries about life contained in Scientology. Here, then, is that technology of organization and, with it, the potential of a completely new world.

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More About Definition of Organization

An organization never does anything. Never. It can’t hurt. It can’t bleed. It can’t think. It can’t act. It’s a postulate of a purpose sitting there with communication terminals and communication lines, and that is the totality of the organization. —L. Ron Hubbard

In 1950, as the phenomenal popularity of Dianetics blazed into an ever-increasing demand for auditing and training, some of the finest business minds in the United States converged to form a first foundation. Each a professional in his own right, their skills had been tested in high-pressure, competitive environments. Yet, notwithstanding their varied experience, the combined expertise of these men proved wholly unequal to the booming interest in Dianetics.

In the ensuing six years, as L. Ron Hubbard tells it, he came to realize that those claiming expertise in the field of organization had a single accomplishment to their credit: they had successfully camouflaged a gaping hole in Man’s knowledge. For beyond the fact that a word “organization” existed, literally nothing was known about the subject. In consequence, through the ages, organizations have been notorious for impeding instead of forwarding the doingness of individuals. That Man’s organizations stayed afloat at all was due only to the initiative and hard work of a few dedicated and desperate executives driving from the top. It has been a story repeated throughout the ages with the recurring collapse of organizations and the civilizations built upon them.

Thus, what stands as the very foundation of Mr. Hubbard's organizational technology is also the first actual technology of organization. Disposing of the arbitraries and falsities accumulated over countless centuries, Ron comprehensively details the fundamental laws and stable data that govern the subject as a whole and shows how to apply them. Whereas these laws form part of the woof and warp of this universe, they remained unknown until the basic discoveries about life and livingness contained in Scientology.

Here, then, is that technology of organization and, with it, the potential of something even greater. For what its application makes possible for individuals, groups, nations and entire civilizations is a completely new world.

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