Introduction to Scientology Ethics contains all one needs to effectively use Ethics Technology in one’s daily existence. This is the basic Ethics Handbook. And with it, one can honestly reverse any deteriorating trend. For contained in this book are the breakthroughs that bring understanding to the subjects of right and wrong, good and bad, death and survival.
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The discoveries, breakthroughs and technology of Scientology provide a new hope for Man. With its use in one’s life, the long sought goals of spiritual release and freedom can become a reality in the here and now.
Since time immemorial, people have preached the necessity to live by the tenets of honesty, compassion and decency—that integrity is the only foundation upon which true life itself is built. But no matter how well Man has intuitively known this, none could point the way to achieve it. Is it any wonder, then, that the very subject of ethics has become either what one can “get away with” or what’s good for oneself alone?
One can’t live in a world where ethics itself is a charade and where justice has become a mockery of civilization.
Here, then, is a brand-new look, a way for an individual to pull oneself up, for a society to reverse its downward slide, for Man to ascend to the heights of a dreamed-for destiny. For contained in this book are the breakthroughs that bring understanding to the subjects of right and wrong, good and bad, death and survival:
Apply this book to your life and the gates will open wide to freedom itself.